Music Videos From The 60s

Mrs Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel was first heard as the soundtrack for the film  The Graduate staring Dustin Hoffman. The music video is a mixture of clips from film but no lyrical conventions are offered or represented. The artist is also not present in the music video. This video however does follow a narrative structure by sticking to a story line.  

Aretha Franklin Respect. Originally written and released by Ottis Redding it wasn't until Aretha performed this track that it really caused uproar in society. Portraying the message of an independent women through the lyrics- displaying a woman's voice is just as loud as a man's- and the video of her performing in the middle of a street, not caring for people's opinions. 

The Beach Boys Good Vibrations. In 1966 this became the most expensive record ever produced costing around $50,000. The video which was released 2016 to accompany this songs takes footage from the tour and the band at the time of the songs original release. It adopts no structure but layers footage and videos in no particular order and applies a 60s retro theme using original editing effects of the time. 

Taking the form of a performance video structure following the conventions of lipsynching and editing to fit the time of the songs release; Stand By Me Ben E.King. The songs video is a black and white performance structure intertwined with slow movements of the artists and the instruments involved. 


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